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CVS News

Keeping you informed about the local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

Charity Commission Update

16 November 2020
The Charity Commission has updated its coronavirus guidance to reflect the current rules on meeting other people in England and Wales. 


The guidance confirms you can still hold trustee or members’ meetings in person where these meetings are necessary for providing voluntary or charitable services. 

Government guidance has not changed in respect of holding online meetings and postponing or cancelling meetings

Annual reports should be submitted on time where possible, but if coronavirus impacts on the completion of annual returns and accounts, charities with an imminent filing date should inform the Commission by email to stating their charity name and registration number.

Registered mutual societies (including cooperatives, community benefit societies and credit unions) fall under Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulation who will not be taking any action about delayed submission of annual returns and accounts due for submission by 30 April 2021, where the delay is 3 months or less.

You should submit your annual returns and accounts to the FCA as soon as reasonably practicable. See FCA guidance on holding or postponing meetings here: 


Supporting Bedfordshire's Voluntary and Community Sector


Vacancies in the Voluntary and Community Sector in Bedfordshire
A round up of some of the latest vacancies in the voluntary and community sector in Bedfordshire.


New in Volunteer Roles
Have a look at all of the new volunteer roles that have been added to Simply Connect this month.


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LETS HUB Drop in Sessions

  • Tuesday 24 September 2024

Do you want to do good in your local community?

Do you have a great idea you just need a bit of support to get going?

We are running three drop-in sessions designed to enable you to ask questions and get the help you need to start to make your ideas happen.



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